Other Airfix Products

The Airfix group of companies produced many different ranges of products - not all of them kits, toys or games. For example:

All of the above are beyond the scope of this website. However, separate sections have been created for the following Airfix ranges:

Click here to go to Slot-Cars
Airfix and MRRC Motor Racing & MotorAce slot-car sets
Click here to go to Toys & Games
Airfix Toys & Games

Click here to go to Toys & Games
Airfix Betta Bilda and Building Set ranges can be found on my Toys & Games page
Click here to go to Airfix Trains
Airfix Railway System and GMR (Great Model Railways)
Electric Train sets
In reality, although separate ranges, Airfix toy products overlapped to a considerable extent, as shown by the following examples: